October 23, 2016

Scarecrow Festival Minus the Crows!

Lady Hiva and I have Thanksgiving Point annual memberships--the sole reason is because of the wonderful Children's museums and activities they have year round. Being a member also qualifies us for entrance to children's education museums around the world.

Lucky Dragon loves the museums and the "farm" to see all the animals. We also try to enjoy the seasonal activities the center puts on. At this time of year there is Cornbelly's, a harvest time activity center, and we have spent plenty of time there this month. This week however, one of our trips we walked through the Ashton Gardens, known for the annual tulip festival, to see the Scarecrow Festival.

As you wind through the Gardens you see hundreds of scarecrows that creative people have designed. Each of us were given a voting sheet to vote on our favorite scarecrow. Lucky Dragon was nervous to see them because the only scarecrow he has seen was in the Cornbelly's maze of fear that we watched scare kids as we rode the hayride around the outskirts of the maze. Naturally, due to that experience he was not as excited to see them. However, as we went and he saw they were more fun than scary, he enjoyed it.

There were some truly creative scarecrow versions. Some were not as creative, but the diversity made it fun anyway. All of these autumn activities we are doing are really fun and as the weather gets colder it makes me more EXCITED CHRISTMASTIME is coming!!!

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