February 01, 2014

Dream to be a Professional Photojournalist

Ok, I must admit it, I have so many “dream jobs” that I would have to switch careers every few years to accomplish them all! You have heard about a few of them over the years, but to add another one to the list—I would love to be paid to do photo journalism.

When you think of great photography the National Geographic automatically comes to mind. I remember thumbing through the National Geographic magazines as a child when I was waiting to have my haircut at the barber. Even then I loved photographs.

For years I have taken photos, and thanks to the invention of blogs I get to subject all of you to them! Hehe!

Today I talked Lady Hiva into going with me to the National Geographic museum in DC today. The weather was beautiful so we were happy to get Lucky out of the house. The first exhibit we attended was “Women of Vision.” It was beautiful. It featured the work of several National Geographic photojournalist’s work. Lady Hiva and I loved reading about the social issues they tackled in their work. The topics ranged from women’s issues, child brides, youth in America, war ravaged cities and starvation.

Some of the photos were simply beautiful and others were savagely stunning. The museum was well done. Lucky enjoyed all the colors and lights and animated exhibits. There was a section for animal photos and a room with video and activities for children to enjoy. It was fun to listen to the children laugh and awe at the dramatic video scenes.

Lady Hiva and I played all the games—from trivia games to becoming animals that protect their area from other predators. It was a blast.Other people seemed embarrassed to try them. We were the "first" to try. But apparently, watching us make fools of ourselves they decided it was alright too. By the time we moved on to the next game there was a line of people available.

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As we walked out of the first part of the exhibit, a couple approached us to give us their tickets to the 3D dinosaur movie. Tau’aho in a few years would love this type of a movie—so if you have children around the “love dinosaurs” age it is a great movie about flying dinosaurs and how they evolved.

On the topic of Lucky, he has passed the 6 month mark! His personality is so fun. He loves to read, splash in the tub, sing in the middle of the night at the top of his lungs, blow raspberries, eat solids and play peak-a-boo with his blanket. He has two bottom teeth and one top tooth—it is not the front one as usual, instead it is the one between the front teeth and a canine. So our Lucky Dragon is beginning to look like a dragon. We love this little man more than anything!

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