July 27, 2013

My “Mormon Profile”

As you all know, Lady Hiva and I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—commonly referred to as the “Mormons.” Both of us were raised by parents that are LDS, but both our larger family circles are diverse when it comes to religions. Every day we are surrounded by people of all faiths and principles and we grow as we learn about their personal belief systems.

The last several months have shown that trials and challenges bring us all together—no matter our religious differences. We have felt the powerful impact inspiring words, prayers, and positive thoughts from people from all over the world.

I decided to join some friends and share some of my most personal beliefs and how being LDS has strengthened me. The platform to do this was a page on Mormon.org where you can meet and read about some inspirational people. People like you and I that have strive to be the best they can be.
Here is a link to my profile if you would like to read it:

Hi I'm Dustin Bradshaw

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